Network X
14 - 16 October 2025
Paris Expo Porte de VersaillesParis, France

Ricard Vilalta
ETSI TeraFlowSDN Chair at CTTC


Ricard Vilalta is Research Director in the Packet Optical Networks and Services Research Unit at CTTC. He is Chair of ETSI TeraFlowSDN and an active contributor in several standardization bodies such as ETSI (NFV, ZSM, MEC), and IETF (CCAMP, TEAS). He is leading open source contributions and features in ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM) and ETSI OpenSlice (OSL) with special focus on future 6G technologies. He has been involved in several international, EU, national and industrial research projects. He has been project Coordinator of 5GPPP TeraFlow projects and led 5GTANGO impact activities (WP leader), INSPIRE‐5Gplus experimental activities (WP leader), and participated in several 5GPPP/6GSNS Working Groups. He is co-chair for ETSI conference on Software and Standards for Smart Networks and Services (SNS4SNS) to be held on November 2024.

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel Discussion: Building Cloud-Native for Telco with Open Source

  • Networking Break and Meet the Speakers Session at The Green
