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8 - 10 October 2024
Paris Expo Porte de VersaillesParis, France


The French-language stage for the French telecoms ecosystem!

The French telecom industry's success stems from a large market, high demand, technological innovation, diversified services, government support, and a strategic location in Europe. These factors, along with a competitive landscape and continuous connectivity needs, make it a highly lucrative sector with promising growth prospects.

ConnectFrance will bring together the regulators, governments, telcos, non-profits, enterprise, OTT providers and more so you can get a full picture on what is shaping the French market today!

The ConnectFrance stage will offer opportunities to learn about and discuss key issues impacting French telecommunications, notably the deployment of 5G and fiber, monetization strategies, B2B services, rural access challenges, and plans to achieve France's net zero goals.

Connect France 2023 in numbers




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French Speakers

Delivered in French, you can learn from key players in the French telecommunications sector and explore future strategies of French telecom operators in terms of network deployment and upgrades, innovation, monetization, and sustainability with the help of our live translation services.

Accessible across all pass types, ConnectFrance will cover the following topics in detail:

French government, regulations and innovations

Example sessions below:

  • Regulating the Data and Cloud Economy: ARCEP on the Changes to the Regulatory Framework in France
  • Networks of the Future: Coordinating French Industrial & Academic Players in their Research Towards 6G Technologies
  • Leveraging Innovation and Research to Support Global Events: Paris 2024 Olympics

French connectivity including Fibre, 5G, Wi-Fi, Satellite and FWA

Example sessions below:

  • Accelerating the Transition in France to Industry 4.0: Strategies, Innovations, and Economic Implications
  • Analysing France’s 2026 Copper Decommissioning Plan and the Acceleration of Fibre Adoption
  • Bridging the Gap for Customers Beyond Fiber Reach with Satellite Broadband

The evolution of TV & OTT in France

Example sessions below:

  • 5G Broadcast New Technology for TV – the Return of the 2024 Experience Live Tests Shaping the Future of TV in France
  • OTT Services and Telecoms: Competing and Collaborating for Consumer Attention
  • The Telco Opportunity to Monetize Existing Infrastructure Assets by Providing their own Next-Generation OTT Content

B2B and B2C Services

Example sessions below:

  • Next Generation Customer Support: Leveraging AI and Automation in Telecoms
  • Driving the Future – How Connectivity will Shape the Future of Mobility
  • Adapting Telecom Services for the Digital Age, in a Time of Evolving Consumer Demands