Mark OliverDivisional Vice President of Consulting, Verticals at OmdiaSpeaker
Mark Oliver is the Divisional Vice President of Consulting for Vertical Industries with responsibility for the scoping, design and delivery of bespoke research for enterprise, vendor and service providers.
He works with technology vendors and digital service providers to understand their business objectives. He designs consulting methodologies to achieve those outcomes and manages the successful delivery of custom ventures. Recent projects include working with a telecoms equipment provider to develop a vertical go-to-market strategy and helping a financial services technology vendor to identify and size the most lucrative markets for its new solution. Before joining Ovum Mark was Consulting Director at Kable Market Intelligence.
Agenda Sessions
Monetising Next-Generation Broadband - How AI Will Influence Future Network Development: Opening Remarks
, 14:30View SessionFireside Chat: Broadband and Cloud Development Index
, 16:35View SessionBroadband Excellence Awards: Introduction of the Broadband Excellence Awards
, 17:05View Session