Network X

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8 - 10 October 2024
Paris Expo Porte de VersaillesParis, France

Mr Herve Fevrier
President & Owner at Landelles Consulting


Herve Fevrier, Landelles Consulting founder and President is recognized as a leading expert in undersea and terrestrial optical transport. He has a 40+ year experience in this field building terrestrial Pan-European and US optical backbone networks (30,000+ km), deploying more than 70 unrepeatered undersea links (10,000km+), building subsea repeatered networks (100,000+ km). He worked for the Alcatel group, Xtera Communications and Meta.

All along is career Herve has been an innovator. He filed and was awarded more than 50 patent families, published more than 200 refereed communications and publications and more than 50 marketing contributions,

He developed and brought to market 10 optical transport products. Most recently, he has been the Technical Lead of the 2Africa Cable System (47,000km of undersea networks).

Herve Fevrier's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • PANEL DISCUSSION :Beneath the Surface: Exploring the Role of Subsea Cables in Optical Networks
